Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace Peace

Hello teachers, students, and families! My name is Juliet and I am the language and cultural assistant at CEIP Nuestra Señora del Patrocinio this year! In this blog, I will be posting English learning resources for our students. I hope that you enjoy and find useful what I create. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions. I am looking forward to learning with you all!
Have you ever heard the phrase 'you are what you eat'? This means that the foods we eat become us, through the minerals, vitamins, and other components they add to our bodies. Because of this t is very important to eat healthy foods! We have to eat foods that give our bodies all the things they need to not only survive but to thrive!
Watch this video to learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods!
A healthy diet, or nutritious diet, is one that is balanced, meaning it has food from every food group, and is varied, meaning it has a lot of different types of food.
Our bodies need:
Vegetables and fruits have loads of vitamins and minerals. Different fruits and vegetables have different vitamins and minerals, this is why it is important to eat a variety of them.
Carbohydrates can be found in things like bread, pasta, and rice! It is better to eat whole grains as our source of carbohydrates than processed carbohydrates, such as white bread and sugary cereals.
Eating healthy isn't the only thing we have to do to be healthy! Doing exercise, limiting screen time, sleeping enough, and following hygiene rules are also ways to help us to keep healthy!
Here is a video of exercises you can do at home to stay healthy!
Check your answers here!
1. biking
2. running
3. sit-ups/crunches
4. lifting weights
5. jumping rope
6. yoga
It is important to limit your screen time because screens are bad for your posture and eyes. what are three things you could do that are healthy for you, instead of being on a screen?
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
Some examples are: read a book, go for a walk, paint a picture, play an instrument, play with an animal, sing a song, talk with your parents, garden! The possibilities are endless.
Sleep is so important for our health! Watch this video to learn more about why we sleep and answer the questions below to test your knowledge.
1. What is the 24-hour clock in our bodies called?
2. How many stages of sleep are there?
3. Is sleep more important for solidifying long-term or short-term memories?
4. How many hours of sleep does a giraffe need?
Check your answers here:
1. The circadian rhythms
2. four
3. long-term memory
4. 1.9 hours
Besides being active, limiting screen time, and getting a good amount of sleep, it is also important to maintain good hygiene to be healthy. Good hygiene means:
1. You should wash your hands often, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom.
2. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, when you wake up and when you go to bed.
3. You shouldn't eat food when it has expired.
4. You should wear plastic shoes when you go to the swimming pool.
5. You should blow your nose with a tissue when it is runny and throw the tissue in the bin afterward.
6. You should shower and brush your hair.
Can you think of other ways to stay healthy besides the ones we mentioned here?
As we go through life, we grow through life! Every year we are alive our bodies and minds grow and change! In life, we start as babies, and then go from being children, to adolescents, to adults, to elderly.
As we grow, not only do our bodies change but so do our emotions. As we grow older we may become more confident. As we live we will experience so many emotions. Here are some emotions we may feel:
It is important to talk about your emotions and understand that whatever emotion you are feeling, other people have felt this too. Try this interactive worksheet to learn about the different emotions someone could feel. ------> How are you today?
When we are children we grow the most!
When we are children we learn to walk and talk.
When we are children we learn how to use our bodies to do so many wonderful things, like run, dance, and ride a bike.
When we are children we have to depend on adults to take care of us and teach us how to live.
What are some things you have learned to do as a child?
What are some ways your body has changed as a child?
What are some ways your emotions have changed from when you were younger?
When we are adolescents our bodies change very fast. As we go through puberty we grow taller, stronger and heavier. When we are adolescents we also grow more hair on our bodies. During puberty boys and girls bodies begin to look more different from each other. It is very normal during adolescents to experience a lot of different and new emotions. We become more independent but also learn how to become part of a group.
To learn to be a part of a group, it is important to learn:
1) How to be a good listener.
2) To be understanding.
3) To be respectful.
When we are adults our bodies stop growing. At this point our bodies are ready to have children. When we are adults we are better at understanding peoples emotions. Because adults have more responsibilities, they may suffer from stress and become tired after the day.
What are some things you look forward to about being an adult?
How do you think your parents are different from you?
When we are elderly our bodies change again. Our skin becomes wrinkly and our hair turns white. When you are elderly your muscles and bones will become more fragile. Although our bodies may become weaker, we become wiser. Having lived a long life, elderly people can give advice to younger people.
Do you have grandparents?
What is your favorite thing about them?
What is something you look forward to about being elderly?
Watch this video on how our wonderful body grows!
Which stage of life are you most excited for and why?
Watch this video to learn about the five senses <-------- follow the link!
Our sense organs are used to identify different parts of our surroundings, match each sense organ with what it identifies!
Activity 2:
Answers Activity 2:
CEIP Nuestra Señora del Patrocinio I will miss you so! A school year of wearing masks, of social distancing, and eating snack in the clas...