Friday, October 9, 2020



Hello all and welcome to my blog for CEIP Nuestra Señora del Patrocinio! For my first post, I will be giving you a little information about, well, me! :) Since this will all be in English, It serves as not only an introduction but also vocabulary exposure and English comprehension practice. Enjoy! 

Hello everyone! My full name is Juliet Elisabeth Shelton. My first name is Juliet. My last name is Shelton.  I am so looking forward to being your language and cultural assistant this year, and to all the learning and growing we will surely do! 

I am from a small town in California called Half Moon Bay. Half Moon Bay is about 40 minutes south of San Francisco. I was born in San Francisco but moved to Half Moon Bay when I was less than a year old. Half Moon Bay is a lovely little coastal town known for pumpkins and surfing. 

My family is made up of my dad, Harold, my mom, Yvette, my older sister, Emilia, and my younger sister, Annaliese. My dad works in finance and loves monkeys, my mom works at a doctors office and loves all animals. Annaliese is almost 18 and applying to colleges in the United States this year. Emilia is 25 and studying Law at UC Hastings. My family loves music, animals, camping, and going to the theater 

I went to school at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California.   
At LMU I majored in Philosophy and Theater Arts, I also minored in Studio Arts. In the United States, a minor is like a smaller major.  It is my hope to eventually pursue a Ph.D. in Philosophy and become a university professor but this may be way down the line! 

Some of my hobbies include painting, singing, yoga, rock climbing, hiking, running, photography, reading, and writing. One of my favorite things about the United States is our National parks. Here are some pictures I took at my favorite national park, Yosemite


Painting is one of my favorite hobbies. Here are pictures of a few paintings I have made. 


My favorite medium to paint in is oil paints. I like painting surrealistic art, art that has elements of reality and elements of fantasy

Thank you for reading my first blog post! I hope you enjoyed learning a little about me while practicing English reading and vocabulary. Below I have included a list of the Spanish translations of all the words in dark blue so you can check to see if you understood this post's key terms. Please feel free to reach out to me via my email at if you have any questions or if you would simply like to chat! Have a great weekend. 

This blog post's key terms

first name - nombre de pila
last name - apellido
pumpkins - calabazas
surfing - surfeando
finance - finanzas
monkeys - monos
doctors office -oficina del doctor 
animals - animales
colleges - colegios
law - derecho
music - musica
camping - cámping
theater - teatro
philosophy - filosofía
theater arts - artes teatrales 
painting - pintuando
singing - cantando
yoga - yoga
rockclimbing - escalada en roca
hiking  -exursionismo
running - corriendo
reading - leyendo
writing - escribiendo
surrealistic -surrealista 
reality - realidad
fantasy - fantasía


  1. Hello Juliet! We love your pictures!You are pretty! Do you like watching TV? We are looking forward to meeting you! We are grateful because you are at school!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much! I am so grateful to be at your school too and look forward to meeting you! I do like watching TV sometimes :)

  2. Hola Juliet,soy Claudia Bravo estoy en 5°A,tengo muchas ganas de conocerte..A mí también me gusta mucho los animales..muchos besos para ti y tu familia

    1. ¡Hola, Claudia! Me alegro mucho de que le hayas escrito a Juliet. ¡Buen trabajo! Besos.

  3. Hello Juliet, welcome!
    I am Ángela Núñez Marín.
    I love your country.
    My family and I are going to travel to Boston as soon as possible.



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